RATE: This controls the rate of the amplitude modulation, from extremely slow to super fast.
SHAPE TOGGLE: Changes between Tri/Saw mode and Sq/Pulse mode. This adjusts the shape of the modulation and tuning the shape is done with the Warp knob.

DEPTH: This controls the depth, or the “intensity” or “choppiness” of the modulation. When it’s all the way down, only a very subtle modulation can be heard. When it’s all the way up, it’s as choppy as it gets.
WARP: This warps the waveform depending on where it's set.
In “Tri/Saw” mode, the Warp knob fully-down is a sawtooth wave or “ramp-up”, while fully-up is a reverse sawtooth or “ramp-down”, and 12:00 is a traditional triangle wave. When sweeping this knob in “Tri/Saw” mode, it may seem like the tempo changes but it does not, the peaks of the waveform are in different positions.
In “Sq/Pulse” mode, the Warp knob fully-up narrows the “on time” of the square wave, for tiny blips of sound with long pauses in between. At fully-down, the opposite is true; the “off time” is narrowed for tiny bits of “off” sandwiched between long stretches of “on.” In the center position, the “on” and “off” times are the same, making a traditional square wave.
The circuit board has everything labeled as to what part goes where. You'll find the below image very helpful to identify what parts are what. There's also a video below showing you how the process will go.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a minor error on the board printing; one of the capacitor spaces (top right) says “10u” when it in fact needs a 47u capacitor.

This is in the manual, but here it is again:
The color bands correspond to the value, and you are welcome to look up a decoder chart, but here’s the quick and dirty for this kit:
270R: red/violet/brown/gold
820R: grey/red/brown/gold
1K: brown/black/red/gold
10K: brown/black/orange/gold
33K: orange/orange/orange/gold
47K: yellow/violet/orange/gold
100K: brown/black/yellow/gold
150K: brown/green/yellow/gold
The Knight School Trem accepts a center-negative DC power supply capable of supplying 9 volts. Plugging in anything other than this (center-positive, AC, higher voltage) will damage the pedal, maybe even beyond repair. Check your supply and make sure it says all the right stuff. Plugging in the wrong supply will void the warranty and possibly summon a puff of ozone-tinged smoke. Trust me, you’d hate it.