RATE: Controls LFO speed.Clockwise for faster; counter-clockwise for slower LFO speeds.
FDBK: Sends the modulated signal back into the input of the bucket brigade. Turn all the way down for the cleanest chorus sound; turn up for more intense modulation and phase shift/flanger type sounds.
MIX: Controls dry/wet mix.Keep at noon for classic chorus sounds, turn down for more subtlety and up for up for true pitch vibrato sounds.
DEPTH: Controls the amount that the wet signal is modulated.
The Callisto MKII can accept very hot signals with ease, including effects loop outputs, so running it after your dirt just makes sense. If you have other mod pedals, the order in which they are arranged among themselves is not crucial, so feel free to experiment!
The Callisto MKII ONLY accepts a 9V center-negative DC power supply capable of supplying at least 10mA of current (over is fine). Plugging in anything other than this (center-positive, AC, higher voltage) will ruin your pedal.Plugging in the wrong power supply will void your warranty. Don’t do this!
Output impedance: 2K
Input Impedance: 500kCurrent Draw: 10mA
Dimensions: 4.33” x 2.36” x 1.96” (110mm x 60mm x 50mm)
Weight: 0.5lbs/227g