The circuit board has everything labeled as to what part goes where. You'll find the below image very helpful to identify what parts are what. There's also a video below showing you how the process will go.

DEGRADE: This knob governs the sample rate. Fully down, the sample rate is not in the audio range, and so no effect is heard. Nudging the control up introduces some digital aliasing. Depending on where the knob is set, the “snapshots” are small enough to cause “note errors”, do not try to tune your guitar with this on. When maxed out, the signal is completely destroyed, like getting blown to bits in Asteroids.
NOTE: The original setup for both the DIY schematic and our Heliotrope features a slight “whine noise” in the background. For this kit, many steps were taken to mitigate this noise and it is certainly lower in volume than the originals. Nevertheless, it is still there, albeit quiet.

MIX: Controls a full wet-dry blend between the input signal and the effect. When the knob is fully down, only the dry signal is heard. When it is fully up, only the effect is heard. Anything in between is an equal mix. Noon is 50/50. When you run other pedals before this device, say a fuzz for example, that becomes the dry signal in the wet-dry configuration, and so setting this knob to noon gives you half fuzz, half downsampled fuzz.
The Knight School Bit Crush accepts a center-negative DC power supply capable of supplying 9 volts. Plugging in anything other than this (center-positive, AC, higher voltage) will damage the pedal, maybe even beyond repair. Check your supply and make sure it says all the right stuff. Plugging in the wrong supply will void the warranty and possibly summon a puff of ozone-tinged smoke. Trust me, you’d hate it.